The framed story is set in the 21st century and tells the series’ protagonist, Desmond Miles, who uses a machine known as the Animus to bring the memories of his ancestors to life in order to find a way to prevent the 2012 apocalypse. The plot unfolds in a fictional story of real events and follows the centuries-old struggle of the assassins who fight for peace with free will, and the Templars. The game has been released worldwide for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, Wii U and Microsoft Windows.
This is the fifth major installment in the series and a direct sequel to 2011 Revelations.
Create and record your best sequences of action, assigning keys to them, so you can reproduce them whenever you want by simply. Assassin’s Creed 3 is a 2012 Adventure Video Game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and released by Ubisoft for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Microsoft Windows. Download Assassin’s Creed Identity on Windows 7, 8, 10 with BlueStacks and add amazing skills to your character by relying on the incredible advantages only the most powerful gaming engine ever created can offer you.